Jamar 23rd Birthday!!!

Jamar 23rd Birthday!!!
Don't we look magical

Kisses for my Baby

Kisses for my Baby

Monday, February 15, 2010

It's been awhille

Hello, I know its been a long time since I have written on here. So much has happened and not happened. School, work, family, and my relationship took up most of my time. But now that everything has settled and starting to fall into place, I have a little free time. Well let's get semi-started. Yes me and Jamar are still together we are still going strong. We have had out ups and downs but we have managed to get through them. We are still deeply in love with one another but you know how relationships are, we have just managed to get through them because we know that there is nothing better out there for either one of us. I am currently at DePaul University THANK GOD. I have been praying to get here and I finally did with the grace of God, and hard studying. I live on dorms also so that is a plus. I added my minor which is psychology, and my major is still Biology which is kicking my ass. School is going well besides me trying to get this 18 thousand dollar loan so I can pay for this semester and my next. Me and my mom are much better then before since I have moved out. She still urkes my nerves but we are doing better, I am never going back LOL j/k, Love her. Oh Happy Belated Valentines Day, hope yours was as wonderful as mines was. Me and Jamar had a weekend get-a-way with each other it was needed and just beautiful. I have become a real real night bird I am not in the bed until like 3 4 in the morning. I am trying to get my sleep habit back on track. Jamar is going to have surgery within the next few weeks for his Graves Disease. Please keep him in your prayers and me also. He is doing well he's hanging in there like my strong trooper he is. For now that is all I need to go to bed got a Bio test tomorrow.

Love, Live, and Be Happy!!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Too Early

Well today is my last day at my first job until August. The district is closed the month of July so yea. But I will be glad of one thing not having to wake up at 6am anymore well for the next month!!!! But yesterday Jamar got his pickle in a bunch because I told him I would call him right back and I end up doing some other things before calling so it took me a few hours. I would like to know was I wrong for saying I would call him right back but my right back took a few hours. No I wasn't doing homework or sleeping I started washing my clothes and then I watched the Bet Awards that we recorded. So then we talked and I told him I would call him when I got into my room that was like around 1 something and I didn't end up calling him until like almost 2:30am I believe but I was watching Hawthrone that I had recorded from a couple of days ago. So no I didn't talk to him again :( last night i hope he wasn't mad I called like 6 times before going to bed. Well I will talk to him later on today. I'm at work its like 7:27am and I am sleepy but I get off at 3 then I am going to shop just a little because I have to buy our New York tickets and Marc Jacobs needs his shots and I need to pay my car insurance...............Smoochies

Don't judge me by my skin color but by the content of my character!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I am so SoRRy

I know I have not been staying along with my blog duties. Its just so much that is going on, I have been uber uber busy lately. Okay well you know how I was looking for a job I finally found one , actually I have TWO now!!!!! I know I thought I would never find one and I have two but it is very hard and stressful because I have school to and that always comes first. I'm actually at work right now but there's nothing to do in the office and I am so sleepy and tired. Yesterday I had school in the morning than I had to go to both of my jobs :(, I know but I'm making that money man LOL. Oh yea Jamar is out of town :( :( till sunday. I am sad but I will have to get over it I miss him already and he just left this morning. His birthday was this past weekend and we had sooo much fun. I wanted to treat my king for a day. I surprised him in the morning with an outfit for that night we matched as always. Than at dinner on the lake I gave him another gift his purple button-up that he has wanted for like ever. Our 1 year anniversary is coming up very rapidly!!! Um school is going okay I didn't do to well on my English mid-term but it's only 10% of our final grade the teacher said so it won't hurt my grade that much. Umm lets see what else oh me and my father do not talk anymore we are just on a Business relationship all I need him to do is buy my school books and thats it. My mother well you already know how that relationship is. I had to get rid of Marc Jacobs because I caught pneumonia and my left lung was inflamed so he stays with Jamar's grandmother until we can find him a good home. Nothing really else oh I got into a car accident and that was like a month ago and the person that hit me insurance company still hasn't fixed my car so I think I am going to get a lawyer. Me and jamar are going to New York at the middle of August I am soo happy. You all know how I love to shop. We leave the 13th and come back the 16th. For now its just me and Jamar because no-one else has the money but its only $322 that includes flight and hotel so we are going to take a thousand for spending money. But thats about it I am trying to stay positive and keep pushing forward, I have been through some obstacles but I am making it. Me and my cousin keisha are going to go to the taste on the 4th since I have to work on the third I know it sucks but I need the money. Than I think that's it I know I have traffic court sometime in July but I misplaced the letter they gave me so hopefully I can find it or maybe I will call down there and see what they say. Ugh oh I forgot to tell you where I work at, my first job is at Dirkson Middle School, and then I work at Dot's I know Dot's. I have been trying to get a job there for like ever. I will post a pic of his birthday we looked so nice.

Don't judge me by the color of my skin but the content of my character!!

I promise to try and not to neglect yo anymore!!!! LOL :)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Selling A 5pound Yorkie-Poo

Hi me and my fiance are selling a 5 pound Yorkie-Poo. We are selling him because we don't have the time for a dog right now in our life and we are college students and we will be moving into the dorms and we cant take him with us.

Name: Marc Jacobs
Birth date: Jan 11 2008
Sex: Male
Weight: 5 pounds
Length: 20 inches
Description: Fun loving, energetic, puppy,hyper-allergenic, great personality, and puppy pad trained.
Accessories: 30 pee-wee pads, bag of food, leash, collar, black cage, toys, treats, canister for food, food bowls, 1 month flea treatment, 2 bottles of shampoo, tooth-paste and tooth-brush, hair brush, and out-fits. Shot-records.

He is up to date with his shot record and vaccinations. He gets groomed every 2 months he does not shed. He is a beautiful dog he has like a 2-tone color but when he gets cut low he is tannish.
If interested contact Tina at Cell: 773-681-2502, or Home: 708-849-3765 or E-mail me at jemine2011@yahoo.com.


I know its been awhile

Hello My BLOG WORLD. I know it has been a long time since I have been on here so let me catch you up just a little because alot has been going on. Okay well me and my mom relationship has gotten better we are communicating alot more but she still gets on my nerves but I am trying to hold it together until Feb or March when me and Jamar move out. Me and Jamar are going good we have our arguements every now and then but we always get back to normal and perfect as usual. Marc jacobs is doing good I guess we are selling him. I know sad sad but we don't have the time for a dog right now. We are two busy people. Um my grades were great I just got 1 C and that was in english of all subjects but I am still ahppy. I start my summer classes next week so I am ready for those. I did realize I will probably have to do like 1 or 2 more semesters before graduating and going onto Dental School. But I am going now I am posting another post after this about Marc Jacobs if you are interested or anyone else. Smoochies!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Okay, I know it's been awhile since I have been on here sorry :(. Here's an update. Okay Jamar got in an car accident on last Thursday. He is okay know but his car did get total out. But the only thing that matter was he was okay and God brought him out of that. We spent like all night in the emergency room just for them to us he was okay and he could go home. Then he went to the hospital the day after and he has high blood pressure and an over-active thyroid. Now he is on medication for that and we need to watch our diet and what we eat. We resolved the communication problem and like I predicted it got turned around on me but he later on apologized for what he did. He realized what he did was wrong and that I was right kind of LOL. Other than that things have been cool. I only have like 3-4 weeks left of school YAY :). I am registering for 2 summer classes tomorrow I pray that they aren't filled yet or I am going to be highly pissed. I have been tying to register for weeks now and I had an appointment last week to do it. But the counselors had an emergency meeting or something so I don't know. Easter sunday was good spent some time with my dad's side, mom side, and my future husbands side. So everything balanced out pretty well. But I am just ready to be finished and have at least month of rest. I will try and start back writing everyday. Oh UGHHH I hate that my mother and her nosy ass friends are on facebook they really need to do something more with their life.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Okay we just had a conversation abut communication actually and arguement, but I guess that didn't register to him because here we go again today. Okay now Marc Jacobs had an grooming appointment for 2pm today and Jamar had an doctor appt for 1. 1:45 came around and I knew they weren't going to make it so I called petsmart and re-scheduled it for 4pm. He didnt make that one either because him and his mom were still at the doctor all the way in the city okay. I called petsmart back to re-schedule and they said it was too late and they didn't have any more appt's till tomorrow. So I start calling all around to get him an appt for today because he needed one badly and my mom wants to take him to her job tomorrow. Finally I get one for 5 at the Petco in Homewood. I call Jamar and let him know and he say's okay that's fine I said okay try and be here by 4:30 so we won't be late he say's okay we are on our way from the doc now. Okay 5 o'clock gets here still no jamar or even a phone call and I had been calling every 10 mintes. So finally I decided to call Petsmart and schedule him for early appt tomorrow and they like oh we already have Marc Jacobs here. How stupid do you think that made me feel and look. So I call Jamar and he finally picks up and oh yea me and my mom dropped him off and we left our phones in the car. Okay I can understan leaving the phones in the car but when you were on your way there why not call me and let me know so I could call Petco and let them know we will not be able to make it. And he knew I wanted to be apart of that but that didn't matter probably because I'm not paying for it right. Probably. So I ask why didnt you call me oh we left both of our phones in the car there was no communication once again. I just dont understand why I wasnt informed of where my dog was going to be at. But when he is with him and his mom its their dog not mine.But this will turn around and be my fault just watch and see for the conclusion.